December 2021


BEING FAITHFUL REGARDLESS (1st Samuel 31) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

November 2021

Strength In Weakness

Strength In Weakness (1st Samuel 29 & 30) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

The Struggle of Self-Sufficiency

The Struggle of Self-Sufficiency (1st Samuel 27 & 28) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

The Lord’s Rewards

The Lord’s Rewards (1st Samuel 26) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

October 2021


This week, David’s integrity is put to the test again; however, he would have failed miserably if it weren’t for the courageous, wise and heroic act of a woman named ABIGAIL. Worship, Prayer and Teaching on “ABIGAIL” (1st Samuel 25) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

David Spares Saul

David Spares Saul (1st Samuel 24) by Pastor Raphael Giglio


SECRET STRENGTH (1st Samuel 23) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

Desperation to Restoration

Desperation to Restoration (1st Samuel 22) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

The Damage of Lies and the Importance of Truth

The Damage of Lies and the Importance of Truth (1st Samuel 21) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

September 2021

Covenant Friendships

Covenant Friendships (1st Samuel 20) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

Event or Continuum?

Event or Continuum? (1st Samuel 19) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

Saul’s Jealousy

Saul’s Jealousy (1st Samuel 18) by Pastor Bill Asay

August 2021

Facing Goliaths

Facing Goliaths (1st Samuel 17) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

Bringing Peace

Bringing Peace (1st Samuel 16) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice

To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice (1st Samuel 15) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

Good Ideas or God Ideas

Good Ideas or God Ideas (1st Samuel 14) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

Blessings or Consequences

Blessings or Consequences (1st Samuel 13) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

July 2021

One King

One King (1st Samuel 12) by Pastor Bill Asay


UNITE AND FIGHT (1st Samuel 11) by Pastor Raphael Giglio


HIDING AMONG THE BAGGAGE (1st Samuel 10) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

Declaration of Dependence on God

Declaration of Dependence on God (Assorted Scriptures) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

June 2021

King Saul & Apostle Paul

King Saul & Apostle Paul (1st Samuel 9) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

Rejecting God – Requesting a King

Rejecting God – Requesting a King (1st Samuel 8) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

Stone of Remembrance

Stone of Remembrance (1st Samuel 7) by Pastor Raphael Giglio

1st Samuel 6

1st Samuel 6 by Pastor Bill Asay

May 2021

Spiritual Appropriation

Spiritual Appropriation (1st Samuel 5) by Pastor Raphael Giglio